Dispatch Jobs

Quickly & Efficiently

We understand that you and your agents need a dispatch service platform that adapts as the world does. Here at Ivinex, we want our products to work for you, your current customers, and your future customers. We are proud to deliver on a dispatch service feature that is current and will continually adapt to meet your business needs.

Automated On-Call Calendar

Make sure your callers’ message always gets sent to the right contacts. Our automated On-Call calendar determines the day and time and sends communication to the right contact based on the data given.

Interaction History

View past and present messages, notes, emails and more from the caller. Your agents will have access to chronological lists of the interaction history with their callers and accounts, making those conversations more informed and fruitful.

Guided Scripts

Take the guess work out of the calls and streamline efficiency. Provide your agents with a guided process that prompts them on both what to say and what information to capture.

State Machine Automation

View and edit the details of the automated and manual contact cadence assigned to each Dispatch Account in a simple way.

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